Plot Summary
“The Waiting” follows LAPD Detective Renée Ballard as she juggles multiple high-stakes investigations. A stolen badge, a serial rapist from decades ago, and the iconic unsolved Black Dahlia case all collide in this tightly woven thriller. With the help of Harry Bosch’s daughter Maddie, Renée must navigate these complex cases while also dealing with her own personal struggles and internal conflicts. Connelly expertly builds a world of crime and justice where no stone is left unturned.
Engaging Writing and Well-Developed Characters
One of the strongest aspects of The Waiting is Connelly’s masterful storytelling. The way he intertwines three distinct cases—each with its own intricacies—kept me hooked from start to finish. Renée Ballard is a determined, resilient detective, and her complex character is a highlight of the book. I particularly loved how Maddie Bosch, Harry’s daughter, plays a significant role in this novel. Her enthusiasm to become a detective and the way she approaches cold cases feels like a passing of the torch from her father. The dialogue is sharp, and Connelly has a gift for bringing his characters to life with just the right amount of depth.
Plot Twists and Layered Storylines
The pacing of the book is well-done, especially in how it balances multiple storylines. I found myself especially drawn to the cold case involving the Pillowcase Rapist. The genetic twist—a familial DNA match—added an extra layer of intrigue that kept me on my toes. The subtle ways Connelly introduces new details into each investigation really build the tension as you move from one chapter to the next. Even with so many plot threads, the story never felt too overwhelming.
The Presence of Harry Bosch
Though Harry Bosch plays a smaller role in this novel, his influence is still strong. Watching him guide Renée and Maddie, even from the sidelines, added a sense of continuity for long-time fans of the Bosch series. I found it heartwarming to see Harry in his more vulnerable, aging state but still pushing forward with his commitment to justice.
A Few Drawbacks
Despite my enjoyment of The Waiting, there were a few areas where I felt the story could have been stronger. First, the three separate plotlines felt somewhat disconnected at times. I expected them to weave together in a more cohesive way, but they never fully merged into a unified narrative. This made certain parts of the book feel disjointed, as if Connelly was trying to juggle too many cases at once. Additionally, the subplots involving Renée’s stolen badge and Maddie’s ambitions felt a bit rushed compared to the more engaging main cases. I also noticed some of the secondary characters, especially Maddie, could have used more development. She shows promise, but I think she deserves a standalone story to fully flesh out her character.
Personal Reflection
Reading The Waiting reminded me why I’ve always been a fan of Michael Connelly. His ability to craft such intricate, realistic police investigations is unmatched. While I was a bit let down by how the cases were tied up, the book still held my attention from start to finish. There’s a certain satisfaction in reading about justice being pursued—especially when it’s in the hands of characters like Renée Ballard, who refuses to give up even in the face of danger.
Final Thoughts
In conclusion, The Waiting is another solid addition to Connelly’s ever-expanding universe of crime novels. It isn’t perfect—there are moments when the pacing falters, and not every subplot lands—but the strengths far outweigh the weaknesses. If you’re a fan of detective fiction and enjoy intricate investigations that test the boundaries of the law, you’ll likely enjoy this book. With Renée Ballard at the helm and Maddie Bosch stepping up, there’s plenty of promise for future stories in this universe.
Rating for The Waiting: 4.7 out of 5
This is a thrilling ride worth taking, even if it does leave a few loose ends behind.